Present: Stephen Dundas (SD), Andy Stanford (AS) Gary Ward (GW), Nicky Triay (NT), Michael Keane (MK), Svetlana Friedl (SF), Joachim Friedl, (JF), Debbie Richards (DR), Alicia Riquelme (AR).
Andy welcomes everyone and congrats Stephen for his good performance the previous week at the PGA British Senior Tournament.
1) Agree last meetings minutes.
Minutes of last commission meeting are agreed.
2) Update from the President
New Course
SD: The letter sent recently explains everything. AS reports there have been some issues when
some members have tried to use some of their rounds. AR explains this has been again
discussed with new course staff and all should be clear and fine. SD thinks we all (members
and staff) should be patient during this time when they are struggling to get everything up and
running. It is a matter of weeks the time they want to get everything done.
DR asks why the agreement is signed till December 2025. SD says it is difficult for him to
explain it on their behalf, but based on what he has seen and listened to them, it would be
surprising if they do any significant work to the course between now and end of 2025. Their
intention is to tidy all up and that it looks nicer, but no major works. DR comments that she
read an article in which they explained their intention to hold big events such as LIV
tournaments. SD thinks that after having seen some false news, we should not trust in all what
the press says, especially local press. SD invites everyone to ask him any questions if they need
to get any information.
JF wants to check if trolleys can be rented to be used on the new course. SD says no, they are a
totally different business, so anything related to the new course, it must be done directly
through them.
Suites Hotel
They have now 45 rooms open. They intend to open fully in the summer. The costs of their
rooms range from 160€ to 200€.
Old Course
Renovation works are great and successful. This time, works have been less invasive, mainly
because of the many golfers’ traffic in recent years, so it was necessary to be more careful with
it. That is why buggies are only allowed on paths for 2 weeks, to take them away off the
fairways. It is nothing major, just preventive measures. A good growth of the greens can
already be seen. So the course will be even better than it was before the works.
JF asks if the intention is do it every 3 months… SD explains that we always do these works in
May and then again in August, both are ideal times not only because of weather conditions but
also because it is quieter in terms of golf. So yes, three / four months.
AS brings up the concern about the stones left on the fairways. SD explains this is an ongoing
job. For better understanding, Valderrama close 2 weeks, one for the jobs and one for the
recovery of the course. Here we only close one week for the works and then let members
play… in the meantime greenkeeping staff are cleaning and tidying it up. They are doing hole
by hole (dangerous with machines)
GW asks if we are fine regarding water restrictions. SD confirms we are fine and that all will
come back to normal from 1st June.
Member´s Area
Poles have been erected, waiting for the covers. Bar construction has started and hopefully it
will be ready by 1st/2nd week of June. SD would like to say again that the idea is that members
get a better feeling and experience. SD also clarifies that this terrace can only remain as a
member’s area if it is used. Otherwise, it will not be a member’s area. So, SD encourage all SRC
members to use it. MK asks if guests (accompanied by the member) are allowed in this area.
SD say yes, they are allowed.
DR asks if the bottom area (pizza corner area) is also considered members area… SD says it can
be kept as members area.
AS thinks that the two bad things in summer for this place is the sun and the wind. SD explains
there will be protection around the bannisters.
3) Should Qualification for Board Competitions be strengthened?
Based on what happened in the ladies club championship this year, is it right that someone
who does not play the golf course, turns up for a board competition and only plays one round?
So, GW suggests for board competitions rules should be stricter and we should require same
number of cards (4), but they need to be from federated SRC competitions. DR explains this is
the rule we had, but it was changed due to the pandemic time and Brexit and suggests reimplementing this rule. Everyone agrees: 4 federated San Roque Old Course cards in the
previous 12 months for board competitions (no new course).
SD would like to make a point to say that he recently received rumours that the club let the
new course go because we could not afford it… so SD wants to confirm that the club is in very
good hands, financially more than fine, so in case anyone hear this type of comments around,
he confirms it is not true.
4) Tee times increased for Tuesday and Thursday?
The months in which the members window is until 12 noon, are April, July, August, and
September on competition days. AR clarifies that competition goes in summertime from
8.30am till 11.00am… then from 11.00 to 12.00 is only members. The reason is to be able to
offer availability to those members who don’t play competitions. GW asks if it is possible to
start competitions earlier, out of summer months if the early tee times are available when
doing the starting list, the day before to the competition… SD say yes, even it is better as there
are more places available. AS also asks if there are members playing for instance at 8.50, could
the competition start at 8.30, and have these members in the middle of the competition? SD
fully agrees this is possible.
SD reminds what he promised to Jon Hale five years ago: if we get to the stage that we have so
many members that we need to increase members tee times, we would. But only if all the tee
times that members have available, are used. If early tee times are available, feel free to utilise
them. At the moment that all the tee times are used, the club will increase the member’s
JF asks when the first tee time is available since he recalls being 7.30am in summer. SD says
this is what the club has been doing the last couple of years, but for this summer, there is
nothing decided yet.
DR asks if the club would agree to exchange one whole day (for instance, Wednesdays) to get
more members tee times on Tuesday and Thursday competitions. SD thinks technically it
sounds fine. However, for those members who play on Wednesday is not right… also having in
mind there is an average of 60 members playing the midweek competitions, the club must also
think in the remaining 400 (aprox) who don’t play competitions.
5) Members Competitions entry cut-off and changing draw sheets.
SD has been asked to bring this matter up. He has been told that members who enter later
than 12h have been allowed to do it, which leads to changes and readjustments of the starting
list. After some discussion, it is agreed that:
– If the competition is full, no late entries will be allowed.
– If there are some spaces available, late entries will be allowed to take those specific
– If someone pulls out, the starting list will not be done again.
6) Chairman´s Questions / Comments:
a. Out of Bounds 17
AS has noticed that in some few occasions, visitors drive down where the out of bounds is (on
the 17th) and still, they play it… AS is aware it is something it cannot be controlled, but maybe
buggy screen could indicate they are in an out of bounds area. SD agrees; however, it will not
be useful for those who take a trolley.
b. Should published minutes include names of members discussed?
AS thinks that since minutes are published, it would be appropriate to omit the name of
specific members discussed within the minutes. This is agreed.
c. Membership
AS asks if membership have been increased by another fifty (from 550 to 600). SD explains that
some years ago it was said these were the target numbers. However, SD guarantees the club
will not go over 600 since this would not fit our model. Only in case we would go above 600,
we would consider changing our model (like increasing annual fees… for instance)
d. Roll Up reaction to new rules.
AS just wanted to share that it´s been a positive reaction. He personally has played with
different people in the last 3 roll-ups played, so many are enjoying the random criteria on
Thursdays. GW explains they at the same time try to accommodate some requests about early
or late tee times, or if they are bringing a guest, and so on.
e. Interclub numbers and problems
AS asks GW and NT is they are moving forward in regards of reducing number of interclub
matches. GW says yes, he has already talked to some of them… obviously, they are more than
welcome to visit the club, but it does not have to necessarily be an organized match interclub.
SD thinks they need to be selective and play against golf clubs with similar average standards.
7) AOB
AS would just like to comment about the fact that Guadalmina was complaining about SRC
Ladies handicaps… SF says she heard this however, it was not at Guadalmina, but in Aloha
About out of bounds white stakes with black top, AS just wants to check if they are correctly
placed into the out of bonds… SD confirms they are correct.
About local rules, DR asks if it would be possible to have the local rules printed together with
the score cards in competitions. SD considers it is possible and that will see with the proshop.
Ref the size, it needs to be the way it can be properly read it. A test will be done. DR asks why
our local rules are so long… JF answers there are too many specifics. JF suggests this could be
shorten to the most important points. He also suggests having them available in the APP.
AS would like to say that the scoring board is great. He asks, if possible, to put some extra
information players need to know such as Preferred Lies, Winter/summer rules, buggy on
paths only and so on…
MK asks about the Irish Tour and if it is a fixture of the club… AS answers this is up to the
captains whether they organize the Irish and/or the captains tour or not. GW explains that two
of them are trophy historical matches and that they get free green fees when they come here
(it is a concession issued by the club). AS also clarifies that Irish tour is not the captains tour
because it is not put out to all the members. SD confirms the club itself has nothing to do with
the Irish Tour, it is not a fixture of the club and each captain can decide to do it or not.
8) Next meeting: Tuesday 6 August 2024