Growth potential

The greens performance data
The greens performance data is trending in the right direction and this will only improve as that GP moves to optimum levels. This will allow for the bentgrass to be worked a bit harder with more rolling and some double cutting. The tees aeration works that were planned in the last week of March had to be cancelled unfortunately due to the truck strikes and us unable to get the sand delivery. We will now look to arrange another date or get a little more aggressive with them in the May closure. All the preparations are in place for this period as this will be key for the season ahead across all surfaces.
Below is a snapshot of our VWC (volumetric water content) in Greens, as you can see due to the rain levels these have steadily increased during March. The aerations we have completed in March has allowed air in which is crucially important, especially in periods of extended wetness. Some Algal spores have been seen across the surfaces. Our target range is 14-16% so being at 22-25% is less than ideal.
Picture of the aeration and topdressing works completed at the start of March, these practices are essential for maintaining the turf in a healthy condition. Regular and consistent topdressing will also start to improve the pitch mark scarring over time. The accumulation of sand will make the surface firmer which will mean less impact when the golf ball hits the surface as we dress up the canopy creating a matt layer which really helps take the impact of the balls. It is common for the surface to be a bit softer after we complete the aeration just because of the vertical disruption to the surface. The next 6-8 weeks as it warms up is the optimum time for root growth so we will vary the depth of aeration to promote rooting.

As always if there are any questions on anything then don’t hesitate to contact me or stop me when you see me out on the golf course. We look forward to some warmer weather and sunshine to really be able to start to improve the surfaces.
Best regards,